Camp Blog

Outdoor Summer Camp Activities at Camp Suisse

12th May 2014

There is a very good reason why we are one of the best summer camps in Switzerland. We offer involving and exciting activities, spread out throughout your time at Camp Suisse. Adventures abound when you’re out rock-climbing with your friends, mountain biking down some truly picturesque alpine routes or battling your way through a river-crossing.


One of our favourite activities, our fully-trained guides take you up crags and climbing-walls. We teach our campers how to belay: supervising a partner’s climb from the ground by controlling the amount of rope they have. Everyone will have a number of opportunities to climb and we encourage everyone to get involved and overcome their individual obstacles.

We usually find that most campers can get to the top of our wall via routes of different degrees of difficulty, as we offer a lot of support. We also mix up some of the easy routes with trickier ones, including the (now-famous) over-hang!

Mountain biking

Go whizzing down slopes at speed! We take our campers up to the wonderful Plan du Croix in the mountains. We train our budding cyclists in safety-skills and some of the more technical knowledge behind cycling, then give them the opportunity to cycle down some exciting trails in the area.

For those campers who have never ridden a bike our very high staff to camper ratios ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate and learn the basic skills of balance, steering and stopping on a bike.

For the really advanced bikers, you can even cycle all the way back down the mountain with our guides to Camp Suisse.


Learn how to navigate by yourself. Use a compass and a map to find your way through a forest – just try not to get lost! We hand out the maps and the compasses and help you find north. Then we try a few real-life navigation exercises before we let you find your way from point a to point b. This should be via a very indirect route with lots of way-points in between.


A ‘ghyll’ is another name for an alpine stream. We take your campers not along the ghyll, not through the ghyll, but up the ghyll. Clambering through tires, walking along ropes and manoeuvring around obstacles.

We usually find that our campers are slightly nervous going uphill, but are as happy as can be on the way back. This really is one of our favourite activities.

More Info

For more information on the activities we have to offer, please check out our activities page. If you have any questions about our outings or adventures, please do contact us on + 44 845 5191 031. We’d be more than happy to hear from you.