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The Charitable Causes we Support

17th October 2014

Enriching the lives of our campers is one of our core aims here at International Camp Suisse. One of the ways we do this is by encouraging them to get involved in raising money for various charities. Each of the causes we support has been carefully picked, either due to a personal connection with the camp or for its relevance to the children who stay with us.

Andrew Woinarski School Foundation

Andrew was a close friend of our camp director, Richard Young, and had a keen interest in helping children in underdeveloped areas across Asia where he spent a great deal of his time. The foundation set up in his memory works with different charities to help build schools for young children in remote and underfunded areas.

Working in partnership with the charity Child’s Dream, the Andrew Woinarski School Foundation has funded six schools that now educate nearly 750 students across Thailand, Laos and Myanmar.

Suranna’s Stepping Stone

Suranna’s family have a long association with Camp Suisse, with her grandfather having been one of our very first employees having volunteered with us on the very first summer we opened!

Suranna has Cerebral Palsy Diplegia (CPD), which prevents signals from brain being transmitted correctly to the legs of those with the condition. Those affected are unable to walk unassisted, but a revolutionary operation only available in the USA offers the chance to significantly improve the symptoms of people with CPD.

Unfortunately, the NHS don’t provide funding for this, so Suranna’s family set out to raise the money from sponsorships and charitable donations. We were happy to play our part in the fund-raising and are thrilled to report that the necessary target has now been reached!

Joining Jack

At just six years old, Jack Johnson is still a little younger than our youngest campers, but he’s already living with a terminal illness – Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). DMD affects roughly 1 in every 3,500 boys, making it one of the world’s most common fatal genetic disorders. It is a muscle wasting disease that usually starts to affect children at around the age of 5, leaves most patients reliant on a wheelchair by the time they are 12 and generally results in death by the age of 30.

When Jack’s parents found out about his diagnosis, they decided to set up a charity to help raise money for Jack and others like him, to put towards researching effective treatments for this devastating and incurable disease.

Juan Condori

Juan is a young man living in Bolivia who we have been sponsoring for over 8 years through the charity Plan UK. As well as offering financial support to Juan, we also swap letters with him and send him regular gifts.

To find out more about the causes we support, the ways we raise money for them and how you can help, please get in touch by sending us an email or calling +44 845 5191 031.